Saturday, 28 December 2013

Fringe Dwellers
29 December 2013 - 18 January 2014

These photographic works by Camille Serisier investigate our connection, or lack there of, with the natural environment. Made last September during a residency at Laughing Waters, 30 kilometers outside Melbourne in bush land, it was a landscape that reminded her of growing up in Wollongong on the South Coast, describing 'the bush was where you went to get away from adults and explore personal freedoms'.

Her works ask: "Are we merely stage players in this grand environment? Where does mythology and reality meet?" Camille sets about exploring narrative construction and interpretation, taking the traditional gendered narrative of the Australian bush and applying an eco-feminist critique.

Here a figure is inserted into a painterly landscape, masked with abstracted or deconstructed fragments that add to the dramatic 'stage craft' of the image.  It is not surprising to learn Camille trained as a scenic painter at Scenic Studios in Melbourne and Opera Australia in Sydney following her fine arts degree.

This exhibition comes to SLOT as part of the Dispatch project linking seven window galleries across Australia.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Sea Change
10 - 28 December 2013

My 'Sea Change' paintings can be seen as the material of future archaeology. The fragmented road surfaces allude to damage caused by storm surges, floods, land slippages etc. the increasingly familiar results of extreme weather events. The shattered assemblages are intended to evoke the sublime, the sense of awe in the face of nature's wrath.

The title 'Sea Change' refers not only to coastal damage brought about by rising sea levels, but also to a global shift in attitude regarding the future. (Charles Cooper)

Charlie's paintings are typically graphic in impact, and what appears at first glance to be a composition in abstraction, turns out to be a long interest in the vernacular of the road - signage, bitumen, road markings - aptly shown at SLOT, located at one of Sydney's busiest intersections.

Charles is represented by Annandale Galleries.